Days Of Our Lives Spoiler: Li Hints A Proposal That’ll Throw Gabi Off Loop

DOOL/Li's (Remington Hoffman) proposal to turn Gabi's (Camila Banus) world upside down?

Days of Our Lives tease that Li will have a proposal that may turn Gabi’s world upside down. Since Li won’t want to lose Gabi for Stefan, he may decide to prove how strong his love is for her. Will Li undergo the same brainwashing treatment to show Gabi that nothing can change his love for her? Will Gabi let that happen to Li, or will she stop at the right moment? Let’s discuss how Li may decide to undergo brainwashing treatment.

Li Makes A Proposal To Gabi That’ll Change Her Life!

Fans know how much Li is obsessed and crazy for Gabi. Even when Gabi fooled him to take important information regarding Rolf, he still didn’t give up on her. Now, Days Of Our Lives recent spoilers claimed that Li would come up with a proposal for Gabi. Fans might remember that Wendy advised her brother to take baby steps if he wants to progress and get closer to Gabi. On the other hand, Sloan advised him to take an aggressive step. Even though Li prefers the latter one, he may devise a clever move to prove his love to Gabi.

DOOL/Li (Remington Hoffman) comes with a proposal for Gabi (Camila Banus)

This might tie in with Li’s comment from February 15 Days of Our Lives episode, where he mentioned that no brainwashing or deprogramming could make him forget his love for Gabi. Chances are that Li might strike a deal with Gabi to undergo a test, one which involves deprogramming. What if Li wants to undergo the same deprogramming just to prove that nothing like that can make him forget Gabi? Will she be willing to acknowledge his love and come back to him? Let’s discuss what might happen if Li takes such a drastic step.

Days Of Our Lives Spoilers: Li’s Proof Changes Gabi’s Heart?

Days Of Our Lives spoilers teased that Rolf may be soon out of the prison. In the meantime, Jada and Rafe will receive the arrest warrant for Li. While Li is trying to prove his love life, he isn’t aware of the problem coming his way. Whatever the case, Li may continue to prove his love to Gabi and prepare for his brainwashing treatment. He may ask Gabi to give him another chance if he passes the brainwashing. And if he doesn’t, then he will already be hating on her in the aftermath. So, it won’t be a problem!

DOOL/Li (Remington Hoffman) asks Gabi (Camila Banus) for a last chance

Fans know that Gabi loves Stefan, but his deprogramming backfired and left him with loving both Gabi and Chloe. She isn’t sure when and how Stefan will get back to loving only her. So, Gabi might actually fear that Li’s feelings might fade away, and this might help her realize her lingering feelings for Li. If the story takes this turn, then Gabi will get into some serious love triangle mess and will definitely find it difficult to come out of it. Stay tuned and watch Days Of Our Lives. The soap opera airs every weekday exclusively on Peacock+ streaming app! For more updates and spoilers, visit our website, TV Season & Spoilers.

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