It is a good thing that Stefano DiMera acquired so much wealth on Days of Our Lives. Otherwise, his unique hobby of fathering an endless line of off-springs would’ve been exceptionally hard to maintain. Wondering what we are talking about? Well, it’s no secret that Stefano has fathered many legitimate and illegitimate children in his lifespan. And every now and then, one of them pops up in Salem! The latest spoilers tease that fans must brace themselves to watch another DiMera heir sweep into Salem demanding his share of the pie!
Who’s DiNew DiMera?
Days of Our Lives spoilers tease that in the May 16, 2023, episode an explosive revelation could be made. And we are willing to bet that it has something to do with the new DiMera on the block! Although there is a possibility that there could be a DiMera bun in Nicole’s oven, but then there is an equal chance that Eric is the baker! So we’ll have to wait for the paternity results on that one. However, the man in question here is already a full blown adult, and is already showcasing his Stefano genes with some really villainous acts!

If you haven’t guessed it yet, we are talking about Days of Our Lives latest entreat, Dimitri Von Leuschner. As the name glaringly suggests, he is a Von Leuschner, and also, Carly and Frankie’s cousin. But then how could he be a DiMera? If that’s what you are thinking, we have the answer! You see, Stefano has been infamous for having multiple illegitimate kids. Perhaps he had an affair with a member of the Leuschner family, who later gave birth to Dimitri. The Leuschners are a wealthy European family, and perhaps didn’t want to stain their name with the criminal and villainous DiMera family. Thus, they decided to give Dimitri his mother’s name and ket him away from Stefano’s lineage.
What Could Dimitri Want On Days of Our Lives?
We know that Dimitri is responsible for keeping Kate hostage on the fishing boat on Days of Our Lives. However, it is pretty obvious that he does not have a personal beef with her. It’s also a rather ridiculous though that a Leuschner would kidnap someone for a ransom! That’s just not their style. So, this leaves only one possibility, Dimitri wants to use Kate against someone else. But who? Well, DOOL spoilers teased that Chad will have a major role in Kate’s rescue. Who also is a DiMera, by the way! What if that’s where all of this is heading?

Perhaps Dimitri has now decided to own up to his DiMera lineage, and wants in on everything that spells Stefano DiMera on Days of Our Lives. Long-time viewers would remember that Kate was one of Stefano’s favorite wives. Moreover, she also is extremely special to Chad. Thus, Dimitri has places his first target on her back! Will he use Kate as leverage to make Chad do his bidding? What do you think? Tell us in the comments. Meanwhile, stay tuned to Days of Our Lives to find out what happens next!