Is Joy-Anna Duggar Pregnant? Counting On fans suspects the mother of two to be pregnant with yet another baby. Recently Anna shared a beautiful picture of her along with the husband on Instagram. And the picture started gathering many comments and speculations. Know below whether the star is pregnant or not.
Counting On: Is Joy-Anna Duggar’s Puffy Face Speaking Of Pregnancy?
Recently, the 23-year-old mom of two shared a picture of her and Austin with little Gideon peeking from back. It quotes, “It’s been a good day.” Duggars Snark shared the same on Reddit. It includes two pictures: the recent photo and the other from the time back when Anna was pregnant. The account comments, “calling it now- Joy’s pregnant. Her face looks a bit puffy IMO. The second picture is from when she was pregnant with Evelyn…”
Counting On fans started their speculation ever after this post. One says, “It would not surprise me; she is a Duggar, of course, she is likely pregnant. And she got pregnant really fast after Gideon.” A few of them don’t find the theory to be surprising. The other fan says, “Would not surprise me. It’s a little ahead of the Duggar Data prediction of an announcement in August 2021.”

Moreover, some of the fans put forth their doubts. A commentor says, “I’m actually not so sure; she posted that Q&A only a few weeks ago and openly said that she is content with Evie right now.” The 23-year-old surely would have hinted something if she was pregnant. Some of them even joked about the pregnancy, saying, “paging Schrodinger’s uterus.’ The star does not yet confirm whether she is pregnant or not. Well, we are not jumping to any conclusion and would further wait for Joy-Anna to confirm the news.
Counting On: Parenting Seems To Be Tough For Joy-Anna Duggar
Joy-Anna Duggar gave birth to her first child when she was 21 years old. The star considered herself to be patient. However, things changed when she had her babies. The second child, Evelyn Mae Forsyth, was born in August 2020. The star is still coping with the parenting period. She recently shared the picture of Gideon and described how she changed after having kids. Anna quotes, “Learning patience in parenting is not easy for me…honestly, I thought I was a pretty patient person until I had kids.”
Now, Joy-Anna has to be more careful in choosing words as it may affect her kids. The small ones always learn from their surroundings. Anna says, “Thinking about my words and actions affect my kids’ life has opened my eyes and sometimes broke my heart. I can either respond in ‘patience and love’ or in ‘anger and frustration’.”
The mother of two does not find yelling to be the best option. Whenever she is stuck in a situation where she gets angry, Anna always thinks whether getting upset will help or make the situation even worse? She further prayed to become a more loving and patient mother. Joy-Anna Duggar concludes, “I love you, Gideon Martyn and Evelyn Mae!”