It is recently reported that Counting On former star Josh Duggar has his wife by his side amidst his ongoing child pornography case. Everyone might find Josh to be guilty of the possession of material depicting child abuse, but Anna does not believe the same. She does not think her husband to be guilty, at all. Is it really the same, or will someday Anna’s belief will break down? Let us look into the details below.
Counting On: Anna Believes Her Husband To Be Innocent
Anna Duggar does not stand with what everybody thinks of Josh Duggar. As per People‘s report, she is standing by Josh’s side despite what he did. Moreover, the soon-to-be mother of Josh’s seventh child thinks that her husband is innocent. Until now, Anna is seen several times with her kids at Rebers’ house to meet Josh Duggar. Also, Anna has not been much open about John’s case in media. Nowadays, she even remains less active on Instagram. Is it because she wants to stay away from the controversy? It seems so.
Anna’s husband, Josh Duggar, was arrested last month on charges of downloading photos and videos depicting child sexual abuse. This is some serious accusation. Fans are literally shocked how Anna can be by Josh’s side ever after such a huge accusation. Does she not fear that her children could become John’s victim?

Counting On: Josh Duggar Awaits For Trial
A few days after the arrest, Josh pleaded judge to let him be out on bond. The same happened, but with a bunch of restrictions. He couldn’t go to his wife’s house and neither be around any minor. Thankfully, the judge allowed the former reality star to meet his kids “countless times” under Anna’s guidance. Moreover, Josh is currently living with third-party custodians LaCount and Maria Reber. And all of Josh’s activities are tracked through GPS.
Later, Counting On stars was seen to open up just after Josh’s arrest. His parents, Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar stated to find the accusation against Josh to be very serious. However, the parents were left with nothing other than to pray for the Duggar family. Back then, Jim and Michelle further said, “It is our prayer that the truth, no matter what it is, will come to light, and this will all be resolved in a timely manner.” A few other members of the family also prayed for Josh and her family.
Josh Duggar’s prosecutors believe that the former reality star possessed 200 children’s images on his computer. Although, fans were not in shock after knowing Josh’s arrest. Everyone was certain that the former reality star has the potential to do such a thing.
Back in 2006, Josh was accused of molested her sisters and several other girls. A person who can molest her own sisters could possibly possess child abuse pictures. But, let’s wait for the court’s verdict to prove so. Josh’s trial will start in early July. Moreover, if convicted, Counting On former star might face 20 years of imprisonment and a fine of up to $250,000 for each count.