Alaskan Bush People: Here’s How Matt Brown Deals With Ongoing Problems!

Alaskan Bush People

Instagram; Matt Brown

Alaskan Bush People is a long-running reality documentary series on Discovery Channel that introduces viewers to the Brown family. They lead their lives like a wolf pack, often going months without seeing an outsider. Among them, Matt Brown has become a beloved character despite not being part of the show.

Recently, however, Matt has been facing a hard time after his phone got hacked. With no job and his only source of income compromised, Matt admitted that his life was falling apart. Despite these hardships, it appears Matt is still trying to look at the positive side. He recently shared a message about how he manages his ongoing problems.

Alaskan Bush People: Matt Brown Discusses How He Copes!

The show Alaskan Bush People is quite unique, featuring the Brown family, including a significant member, Matt Brown, who hasn’t appeared since season 8. Despite his absence, Matt continues to live like a lone wolf in the mountains. Recently, he revealed that he no longer has his job and was about to lose his home, prompting him to return to the mountains.

Matt also spoke about his phone getting hacked and people tormenting him online. His issues concerned the fans that the star would relapse, especially after his past struggles with addiction. However, the Alaskan Bush People star shared an update to reassure his supporters. He posted a picture of himself looking up. “It is as important to remember the people who help you in a time of need, who can’t get anything from you for it, as it is to remember the ones who don’t,” Matt wrote in the caption.

Following this, Matt shared a two-part video explaining how he copes with ongoing problems. He learned valuable strategies during his rehab at Betty Ford, using flash cards to manage his challenges. He writes down toxic or positive people and events on one side and a realistic assessment on the other. This practice helps him remember why certain things are harmful or beneficial, aiding him in making better decisions.

Alaskan Bush People: Matt Brown Says His Life Is Falling Apart!

Fans grew worried about former Alaskan Bush People star Matt after he posted a new live-stream video on YouTube, admitting that his life is “falling apart.” He revealed that someone hacked his phone, forcing him to delete all his apps to protect his YouTube and Instagram accounts. Matt emphasized how he has worked hard to build his social media community. He also talked about the importance of keeping it safe.

While Matt seemed happy, spending time with a woman in Washington, it looks like the hacking incident upended his life. He is now considering returning to the wilderness. He also mentioned that several individuals close to the show have been trying to ruin the Alaskan Bush People’s lives for years. The star threatened to release their names if the harassment didn’t stop. So, what are your thoughts on Matt Brown’s situation? Who is he talking about? Share how you feel in the comments section below. Keep an eye on TV Season & Spoilers for all the latest Alaskan Bush People updates.

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