The 90 Day Fiance show is known for bringing in unique storylines. Usually, the couples who are part of the show have drama, spice, and controversies in their relationship. One of them was Steven Johnston and Alina. The duo made their debut in The Other Way and have created headlines for all the wrong reasons. The couple was never two peas in a pod.
Even after several ups and downs, they decided to walk down the aisle in Turkey. But it has been a while since Steven and Alina have been quiet about their relationship and now drastically unfollowed each other! Did they part ways? We have all the information you might wish to know, so keep on reading.
90 Day Fiance: Alina And Steven Unfollow Each Other On Instagram!
The 90 Day Fiance couple Alina and Steven have had a chaotic storyline in the past. Apparently, the latter was a Mormon missionary and spent time overseas while he made a lot of Russian friends. His primary aim was to give adversarial relationships with other missionaries. However, amidst all this, he fell in love with the Russian native Alina. Initially, he was hoping to convert her to the LDS church. But it seems that Alina’s immaturity and Steven’s double standards created a lot of issues in their life.
However, amidst all this, they decided to tie their nuptial knot. Johnston also followed the Turkish tradition and brought stray cats and fed them at the wedding as well. Intially, the duo was together and used to often post pictures as well. Moreover, they used to go on vacations together and portrayed that they have a great bond. But recently, John Yates took to Instagram and pointed out the fact that Alina and Steven have unfollowed each other on social media.
This was shocking for the viewers as this is really awkward for a couple who is already married to each other. Hence, now the audience has been speculating that maybe the duo has parted ways with each other. There is a fair chance that maybe Steven and Alina had an argument, and one of them blocked the other one leading to default unfollowing. Another possibility is that one of them initiated the so-called unfollowing step, and then the other partner got triggered and did the same. There is no confirmation from the stars about their divorce for now.
90 Day Fiance: Reasons Why Fans Think Alina And Steven Parted Ways
The 90 Day Fiance fans are well aware of the fact that Alina and Steven always have had trust issues in their relationship. Intially, it started with Steven’s impulse-control issues. Apparently, his issues and his double standards created a lot of chaos. He was the guy who wanted to wait till his marriage before getting intimate with Alina. But because of his so-called impulse-control issues, he did a lot of things he shouldn’t have done.
Indeed, the Russian native didn’t love finding out stuff about Steven’s infidelity. It also instilled doubt regarding their future as well. Alina wasn’t the only one who doubted this relationship. Steven also had trust issues. Though the Russian beauty agreed to get baptized yet the TLC star used to question her intentions.
Steven was not sure about the fact that Alina would stick to her words of converting to the Mormon religion. However, even after all this, they decided to walk down the aisle. But the audience believed that these things would have definitely caused issues in their married life as well. Keep coming back to TV Season & Spoilers for all the latest 90 Day Fiance tea.