90 Day Fiance: Sarper FINALLY Makes A Bold Move For Shekinah’s Sake, Shows His Dedication!


90 Day Fiance viewers never felt that Sarper Guwen was the best partner. His relationship was full of red flags, and his controlling nature has caused him to receive backlash. However, the celeb claims that he is changing for Shekinah Garner and is trying his best to make his relationship work.

Sarper recently shocked his audience by smashing his infamous bottle collection. He has been collecting these bottles for many years, and it has bothered Shekinah for a while now. Hence, Sarper finally decides to give up on his collection and smash all of his memories. Is this true?

90 Day Fiance: Sarper Gives Up On His Bottle Collection For Shekinah

90 Day Fiance star Sarper Guwen had a bottle collection that represented his past trysts. Each bottle was a memory of all the girls he had slept with in the past. Hence, the celeb kept them safe, but it evidently didn’t sit well with Shekinah. She was in disbelief and wondered why her partner was preserving such memories. But now it appears that Sarper is finally letting his infamous collection go!

In an exclusive clip by People, Sarper and Shekinah when to their junkyard with the former’s bottle collection. He gathers his courage and throws his first bottle while screams, “Delete my past!.” Shekinah proudly asked him how he felt and Sarper admitted that it wasn’t less than “freedom” for him! He further drank the leftover Whiskey in the bottles and happily threw them.


Sarper admitted, “Smashing them, throwing them, seeing them explode, it’s kind of getting rid of my anger.” He believes that he really needs to do such things more “often.” The celeb appeared to be really happy as he was finally getting rid of his past, and he was able to release his anger because of it. However, Shekinah is evidently the happiest!

90 Day Fiance: Shekinah Says She Hates Sarper’s Bottles

90 Day Fiance star Shekinah never really loved the idea of the bottle collection. She felt that it was a “lack of respect” towards her as Sarper wasn’t letting those bottles go. Moreover, the celeb wondered why the latter didn’t even clear the shelf before she landed in Turkey. Hence, Shekinah also came up with her love letter and slapped it on her beau’s face.

After all this, when Shekinah saw Sarper breaking all the bottles, she couldn’t control her smile. The latter asked her to try breaking one bottle, and she admitted that she was really “scared.” However, when Shekinah tries breaking them, she isn’t able to do so. The celeb stated, “I hate these bottles so much, and it’s making me so mad that I can’t even break one.”


Shekinah further made it clear that she wouldn’t be leaving the yard unless and until she was able to break at least one bottle. However, the smile on her face itself said how relieved and happy she was with Sarper’s decision to give up on his collection. Moreover, fans also praised him for finally changing himself for the sake of Shekinah. Keep coming back to TV Season & Spoilers for more updates.

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