90 Day Fiance: Rayne Got Fired From The Show For Rac!st Slurs Against Chidi?

90 Day Fiance


Over the last seven episodes of 90 Day Fiance: Before The 90 Days, Rayne and Chidi have had multiple problems. It all began when viewers condemned the former for dating a visually abled person for five years and not learning anything to make things more accessible or how to assist him. In a new episode, she moved out of his home and went to a hotel.

Despite all this happening on TV screens, Rayne’s online commentary has hinted that they have broken up. She already violated TLC’s NDA, and now fans are as furious as ever. That’s because they accused her of being racist towards her ex, Chidi! Did she really do such a thing? Can such a mishap mean TLC will fire her like other cast members like Alina and Lisa?

90 Day Fiance: Rayne Already In Trouble?! TLC Fired Her For ‘Negativity’

It’s been a while since 90 Day Fiance fans got to meet Rayne and Chidi on their TV screens. Their storyline initially showcased some potential for depicting a genuine romance. But after a few episodes, fans got to see Rayne’s erratic and abusive side. She talked about heartbreak in one of her posts, and fans understood that she and Chidi had already split.

Then, in another post, Rayne talked about wanting to perform a song for Chidi during the Tell All. But she found out it wasn’t possible to do so on national TV. Then she also added how TLC uninvited her and Chidi from the special Tell All segment. She implied it was due to “negativity.” Now fans are wondering what did she do and her supposedly racist post doesn’t help her case.

90 Day Fiance: Was Rayne Really Being R@cist Towards Chidi?

In the last 90 Day Fiance episode, viewers saw Rayne pack her bags and leave Chidi’s home. She didn’t do so before insulting everyone in his family, including her sister Victoria. That’s when viewers began to realize that TLC’s accusations against her could be true. They agreed that she was way out of line and disrespectful towards the people who opened their homes for her.

Then, in a new post, Rayne said something more alarming. She said that her ex Chidi’s heart ended up darker than his skin. She called it a “charcoal mass of negativity.” Since reading this post, everyone has been in a fix as to what the star was trying to imply. Some said that it wasn’t racist but still found the most uncomfortable.

Others say that they always had a problem with Rayne fetishizing Chidi’s blindness, and she may have done the same with his skin color. Many remember how stars like Babygirl Lisa and Alina have been fired from the franchise because of their racism scandals. But that only happened when they used the N-word. But Rayne didn’t really do that in her post.

So, viewers are in a fix on whether Rayne can be fired over such a mishap or not. In any case, fans haven’t been able to bear seeing her havoc on screens. They feel that she is the only one creating unnecessary drama on TV, making an issue out of the basics of things. Keep an eye on TV Season & Spoilers for more 90 Day Fiance news.

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