Jasmine Pineda began her journey on 90 Day Fiance with beau Gino Palazzolo. Earlier, both of them came off as toxic until the latter crossed the line. That’s because he ended up sharing some inappropriate pictures of his partner with his ex to “show her off”. After many arguments and breakdowns, the Panama resident decided to forgive him. However, it seems like the star was still looking out to seek revenge, and she finally got to do it. How so? Keep reading to know more details on this.
90 Day Fiance: Jasmine Pushes Gino To Eat Pig Feet, Got Her Revenge?
Jasmine and Gino managed to smoothen over a rough patch in their relationship. Apparently, many shocking revelations came into the limelight through his ex. Unfortunately, the American man had a history of dating sugar babies. That’s not all. He also ended up sharing his girlfriend’s topless photos with her ex-lover to make her jealous. As a result, the foreigner was very hurt, and viewers thought they would break up soon. However, things took a drastic turn when she ended up forgiving him.
Despite this, TV Season & Spoilers claims that viewers deduce she is looking for ways to seek her revenge for his wrongdoings. As per a clip on TLC’s Instagram handle, the couple continued their vacation after the abovementioned fiasco. Eventually, they stopped by a street vendor to purchase a meat dish. However, the Panamanian woman doesn’t eat it and offers it to Gino. Later on, they reveal it was pig feet, and she made him eat them. Although Gino doesn’t enjoy it and calls it “disgusting,” he still consumes it for his partner’s sake. Apparently, they had a laugh about it on their confessional later.
After this, viewers began to comment that Jasmine could have done so much worse to her man rather than feeding him something disgusting. Moreover, they feel the notorious cast member should be punished for his misdeeds in a lot more severe ways than this. However, the Latina seemed happy after the incident, so they went along with it.
90 Day Fiance: Jasmine Says Gino Still Loves His Ex?
After the alarming disclosure of Gino’s past, Jasmine was in disbelief. Moreover, she couldn’t help but call her love interest “disgusting” for hiring sugar babies for himself in exchange for money. In fact, her rage and breakdowns were so severe that the behind-the-camera unit interfered to stop things from getting violent. Later on, the celebrity took some time to talk about this matter to her best friend over the phone. Hence, they came to the conclusion that the Michigan native is probably still in love with his ex. As a result, he sent Jasmine’s private photos to her.
However, after much contemplation, the woman decided to forgive the questionable TV star. Hence, this development made the viewers quite upset. Then they took to their social media to reveal that they fear for the Panama native and want her to be safe. That’s because Jasmine had talked of experiencing a low point in her life. It happened after the unfortunate incident premiered on TV. Despite this, they continued to support her while telling her none of it was her fault. She even went off her social media in real-time when the 90 Day Fiance: Before The 90 Days episode was premiering. Keep checking TV Season & Spoilers for more such updates.