Asuelu Pulaa first came into the limelight alongside his wife, Kalani Fagaata. They became the face of the 90 Day Fiance franchise in Season 6. Well, their storyline had a lot of drama, especially with their family members. So, they continued to star in more spin-offs like Happily Ever After and also Pillow Talk. Well, the last year wasn’t good for Asuelu and Kalani. They had to shift houses, and there were strains in their marriage, so much so that Pulaa ended up moving back to Samoa.
But now the couple is happily living in Los Angeles as they reconciled. While the fans are overjoyed to see Asuelu and Kalani are still together, another thing shocked them. Well, it looks like the Samoan Man has been on a fitness journey for quite a while, and his physique has been depicting it. Well, the fans were shocked to see his brand-new chiseled body! Keep reading to catch a glimpse of the same.
90 Day Fiance: Asuelu Looks Unrecognizable! Working Hard On His Hot Body
Kalani and Asuelu Pulaa had a turbulent love story right from the beginning. While figuring out a way to build a future together in America on 90 Day Fiance, the former got pregnant. So, they had to deal with all the hardships that came with Asuelu moving to the US and preparing themselves to be parents. Soon, they got pregnant once again with another baby boy and starred in Happily Ever After again. Despite going on and off last year, Kalani and Asuelu finally reconciled around Christmas and announced the same with a sweet family photo.
Well, Asuelu now has multiple things to celebrate other than getting back together with his wife, Kalani. A 90 Day Fiance fan took to Reddit to reveal that they saw Asuelu in a brand new avatar! Well, they were at the Los Angeles Conventional Center Travel Show. The TV celebrity was there performing for the same and representing his country, Samoa. The Redditor shared a picture of the same. That’s when people took note of how different Asuelu looked. Well, it was clear that he underwent major weight loss.
Asuleu’s body looked ripped as ever, and his Samoan tattoos made his physique look even better. The fanbase took to the comment section to praise the star for his hard work. They said they were “happy for him,” It was good to see the star work so hard on himself as it had finally paid off.
90 Day Fiance: Fans Praise Asuelu For Getting A Job He Loves!
As Kalani and Asuelu had to wait for the latter’s green card to arrive, the former was facing unemployment for a while. The American woman complained in the show that all her husband does is go out and play golf with her friends. Asuelu was not stepping up to be a family man would upset Kalani. He wouldn’t help her with managing their two babies either. While they didn’t reveal the real reason they were having trouble in their marriage, many 90 Day Fiance fans speculated that this must be it.
As the Reddit user confirmed that Asuelu had started working at the Los Angeles Conventional Center Travel Show, fans were overjoyed. They were happy to see the celebrity having a job that he absolutely loved. He also gets to represent his rich Samoan culture and further make his country proud. So, the Redditors were happy that Asuelu was financially stable as well. They deduced that this must have helped the couple mend their relationship too.
But both Asuely and Kalani have been tight-lipped about their relationship status. But their family Christmas photo was enough proof for the fans that all was well in the family once again. Do you want to see Asuelu and Kalani more in the upcoming spin-offs? Tell us in the comments below. Until then, TV Seasons & Spoilers is here for you with all the latest 90 Day Fiance updates.