90 Day Fiance: Fans Praise Niles For Handling Adnan’s Provocation With Grace!



90 Day Fiance star Niles Valentine’s mental health struggles are no secret. He is a man with autism. Niles and Adnan’s fight in the Tell-All segment has been the talk of the town for a while now. The former openly called out Adnan for being controlling, and although Tigerlily defended him, Niles stood firm on his stance. Adnan has been very aggressive and provocative with him, but the latter chooses to walk away rather than argue with him.

Niles and Adnan’s fight started in the first segment of Tell-All, and now, in segment two, the issues have escalated. The latter’s controlling and aggressive nature caused a ruckus in the show, but Niles handled it commendably. This is all the more remarkable because Niles has autism, and his brain functions differently. However, he showed maturity by walking away rather than fighting with Adnan. Things would have turned ugly if the duo had fought physically, but fans are mighty impressed with Niles’ approach.


90 Day Fiance: Niles Restrospects About The Dating Challenges He Faces As An Autistic Man

Ever since Niles was featured on 90 Day Fiance, his autism has been a huge topic of discussion. He and Matilda have been walking on eggshells, trying to figure out their relationship. Niles also shared that his autism diagnosis has been the biggest hindrance in their relationship. Matilda also explained how Niles’ autism confuses and troubles her.

Due to Autism, Niles has a delayed response mechanism. He often gets confused about what to do, and this hampers his relationship. He said, “It’s not easy for me. It just isn’t.” He retrospected his fights with Matilda and how they reflected his inner turmoil. Mental health issues overwhelm him, and it messes up his reaction process. Niles struggles to make decisions, and Matilda often suffers due to it.

90 Day Fiance: Fans Impressed With How Niles Tactfully Deals With Adnan

In the second segment of 90 Day Fiance: Tell-All, Niles and Adnan are again at each other’s throats. Niles accuses Adnan of controlling his partner. However, Tigerlily comes to his defense and insists that Adnan is a good husband. She adds that the latter’s decision is for the betterment of their family.

Adnan was trying to provoke Niles to get a reaction. Things got overwhelming for the latter, and he got up and left. Before leaving, he tells the duo, “We’re not talking about you right now.” Mr. Arc condemned Niles’ decision to leave the show midway. He chased Niles and asked him to apologize to the group for his behavior.

Although Mr. Arc did not appreciate Niles’ behavior, fans did. In a Reddit thread, people applauded the 90 Day Fiance star for standing his ground against Adnan. Viewers praised how he did nothing wrong and didn’t give in to Adnan’s provocation. A fan wrote, “I’ve heard therapists advise that it’s better to walk away in that situation too, regardless of autism. But I don’t think a majority of Americans think it’s okay either. But once Mr Arc tells him to apologize, and then Matilda, what choice does Niles have?.”

Adnan wanted Niles to do something that he would regret. Fans are happy that the latter chose to walk away. Viewers also praised Joe for supporting him. A fan commented, “Props to Joe for being the only one to speak up and telling him it was okay, but he got upset and removed himself.” Keep coming back to TV Season & Spoilers for all the latest reality TV updates.

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