The 90 Day Fiance show has introduced many faces that are now household names in the world. One of them is Deavan Clegg, whose bumpy journey was featured on the show. The celeb had faced a lot in her life, and everything was documented. She debuted from its spinoff with a South Korean man named Jihoon Lee. He and Deavan met virtually on a dating app and ended up being pregnant just after their first date.
However, things didn’t work out, and they parted ways. Lately, Clegg has been struggling with her son’s health, who has cancer. Meanwhile, she had to undergo a painful emergency surgery that she calls the worst pain of her life. To know more about the same, keep on reading.
90 Day Fiance: Deavan Finally Opens Up About Her Painful Surgery!
The 90 Day Fiance star Deavan is in a relationship with a man named Topher Park, who is also the father of her third child. The mother of three delivered her third baby in October 2022. The couple decided to stay lowkey about their newborn and kept things private. However, that’s not the only thing. Deavan has also been dealing with her son’s cancer and has kept her fans updated regarding the same. Recently, Clegg decided to do a Q&A and revealed some shocking information regarding her recent emergency surgery.
Deavan replied to a user who asked about her surgery and inquired about the process. She revealed that she got an IUD placed, as per ScreenRant. Apparently, it is a kind of small T-shaped device that helps in preventing pregnancy and treat heavy bleeding during periods. It was poked in through her uterus, which was mistakenly placed in the abdomen. Clegg revealed that it was the worst pain of her life. Hence, she had to undergo surgery to remove the same.
Another user asked about her well-being after her delivery. Deavan revealed that she is doing fine now. But there are days when she feels empty and stressed and days when she feels amazing. The mother of three believes that she will get better when she actually recovers from her surgeries. Evidently, Clegg didn’t even recover from her C-Section when she again had to go for emergency treatment. Hence, the celeb makes it clear that she is ready to feel normal again and is getting better day by day. Fans are happy to watch the star recover and have been praying for her health and family.
90 Day Fiance: Deavan Shares An Important Update Regarding Her Son With Fans
The 90 Day Fiance star Deavan has been having a hard time due to her son’s critical health. Baby Taeyang has B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia. He has been dealing with it since May 2020. Deavan has also updated her fans regarding his chemotherapies and his condition. There have been many highs and lows and some terrifying moments as well. But it seems that finally, after the world’s efforts, the star kid is getting better these days. During the Q&A session, a user asked for an update on Taeyang’s health and inquired about his well-being.
Deavan revealed that though she didn’t go live for a while, she recently shared an update on YouTube. Clegg further admitted that she has some significant updates regarding Taeyang’s health. The happy mother added that her son is finally in maintenance and has been improving. Now they only have to go to the hospital once a month rather than weekly. Not only this, but they also have an end to this treatment if everything goes well. Undoubtedly, the viewers took a sigh of relief because it’s been a while since the little one was going through a lot of pain. Keep coming back to TV Season & Spoilers for all the latest 90 Day Fiance tea.