90 Day Fiance: Another Affair! Karine Staehle Accused To Cheat Paul With Guy name Frander, Chats Leaked

90 Day Fiance


It seems 90 Day Fiance star Karine Staehle’s mysterious love life does not have an end here. Another revelation of her affair has come upon the floor. Karine is accused of cheating Paul with Frander and also cheating Frander with Jason. Let us tell you that Frander was Karine’s new boyfriend. Take a close look into Karine’s love life below-

90 Day Fiance: Here We Go Again! Another Affair!

Paul Staehle’s wife Karine Staehle has been revealed to have yet another affair. She was reported to previously cheating Paul with Jason. And recently, she was accused of cheating Paul with a felon from California. He had a criminal boyfriend back in 2020. However, before that, she was in a virtual relationship with a cute boy named Frander. The mother of two is caught once again cheating. @mommy_says_bad_words revealed Karine cheating Paul with Frander. The fan page reports Karine to have an affair with Frander from 2019 until January/February 2021.

Same like lover Jason, Karine met Frander online. The fan page also revealed the chat of two of them. However, in this case, Frander never met Karine. Although Karine did call him many time to meet for the sex. Well, the same never happened. The fan page also shared some photos that were shared by Karine to Frander. Karine and Frander had more of an emotional relationship than that a physical one. The fan page uploaded some leaks of Frander and Karine’s chats as well.

90 Day Fiance: Frander Was Left Heartbroken Same As Jason

Frander started doubting Karine as she was not always there to talk to him. He even caught her in many lies. Frander found Karine lying about Paul. She claimed Paul force her for having sex. It was proven wrong as Frander noticed there to be many consensual porn videos of the couple. Frander suspected Karine of losing interest in him. In one of the chats, you can see Frander asking, “I just want to know if you still wanna talk as sometimes you make me feel as you don’t…” To this, Karine instantly replies, “Yes, I wanna.” Frander did know deep down that Karine was planning to meet someone. And that someone was Jason.

Overall, Karine cheated on Paul with Frander and Frander with Jason. Last chats shows Karine bidding adieu to Frander. Till then, Karine has found Jason and left Frander for him. She claimed, “I’m glad Jason isn’t like you.” The star also slammed Frander for being rude to her. Well, Frander had a lot to say in his defense. He wrote a big paragraph message saying that he was 1000% honest, caring, and loyal to her. Frander was not hurt much because he believes what Karine did is just a moment thing for many girls. Well, that’s not true. Let’s hope for him to find a loyal girlfriend ahead.

The fan page also reveals Frander’s look. The former lover seems to be cuter than Karine. The caption says, “Meet Frander, Karine’s former lover. Too cute for her, in my opinion.”

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