1000 Lb Sisters star Tammy Slaton has transformed herself skinnier than ever in 2025. Her glow-up stunned fans after she posted her new slim look on social media. Five years ago, during her show’s premiere, she weighed 725 pounds. Her obesity made it hard to live an everyday life. She would often get admitted to the hospital for a health scare.
However, Tammy’s health crisis led her to start and document her weight loss journey. Appreciating her life and finding new motivation, she was admitted to an Ohio rehab center to lose weight and qualify for bariatric surgery. Since then, she has dropped her weight below 500 pounds by making huge lifestyle changes. How does Tammy look now? Is she unrecognizable?
1000 Lb Sisters: Tammy Posts Her Favorite Snack Picture!
1000 Lb Sisters star Tammy Slaton has finally revealed what she eats to keep her weight in check. The Kentucky native showed her go-to snacks after losing incredible weight in Season 6. She shared a clip on Instagram, telling fans that she enjoys fruit, yogurt, and nut butter. “I absolutely love American Dream Nut Butter it has been a lifesaver on my journey.” she wrote in the post’s caption.
Since the day of Tammy’s weight loss surgery, she has committed to changing her eating habits. She eats clean and in the right portion of all her meals. Previously, she recorded and uploaded her smoothie recipes and several other high-protein treats like tacos for breakfast. Apart from food, she gets plenty of exercise and sticks to her fitness goals to keep herself on track.
1000 Lb Sisters: Tammy Appears More Slender In New IG Post!
1000 Lb Sisters celeb Tammy Slaton recently recorded a video for @poprecoverysystems about her weight loss journey. She started the clip by saying, “I am worth the effort, the time, and the love I’m giving myself.” As she spoke to the camera, she appeared to be very gorgeous and slimmer than before.
In the clip, Tammy donned a cute green top and wore minimal makeup to make her bright smile and glowing skin prominent. She thereby showcased her inner happiness with her speech. However, many fans noticed how thin she looked in the video. Most of them appreciated her effort in improving her life in the comments.
Because of Tammy, the post received thousands of comments and likes. A fan wrote, “This has been the biggest glow up all over!” Another commented, “Love the progression; keep going in God’s faith.” There is no doubt that Tammy’s latest video post has garnered attention from people all over the world.
But nothing is more important than Tammy’s effort to highlight her progress in the last two years. Due to her proper and consistent diet, she achieved a remarkable feat in her physical journey. It all started in mid-2022 when she lost hundreds of pounds in the blink of a few months. Now, she is on the right path to prioritize her health and career. Keep coming back to TV Season & Spoilers for all the latest reality TV updates.