Family relations and connections can be a little tricky in daytime soap operas. Especially when we talk about long-running shows like General Hospital, these connections can be confusing. And recently, one connection that fans have been questioning is the connection between Spencer Cassadine and Sonny Corinthos. GH viewers would recall that when Spencer came in Port Charles and was still hiding from everyone, he took the time to visit Mike Corbin’s grave and called him his grandfather. So what is the connection between the two characters?
To fill in the gaps, let us have some insights. Spencer Cassadine is Nikolas Cassadine and Courtney Matthews’s son. Courtney was Mike’s daughter, and that makes Sonny her brother. This means that Spencer is Sonny’s nephew. So, when Spencer and Sonny do share the scenes, Spencer will call Sonny his uncle. Unfortunately, Courtney passed away of encephalitis shortly after Spencer was born. So, he grew up without a mom. But the silver lining here is, even if Spencer can’t always rely on his father, he can depend on his Uncle Sonny.

Spencer is now SOARSed and has become a teenager. So, he will undoubtedly have more problems as he becomes a part of the teen scene at General Hospital. Sadly, Sonny won’t be around to help him. Sonny has suffered Amnesia and is living in Nixon Falls as “Mike.” So, he might not be able to support his nephew. However, as the General Hospital spoilers have it, Sonny will soon come back to Port Charles, and we will have to see how things go from there.
As for Spencer, he is stirring some serious trouble in the land of Port Charles. He has pulled off some stalking stunts that lead to Ava and Nikolas on the edge of getting a divorce. He is doing everything he can to make sure the two of them stay away. We will have to wait to see what more tricks Spencer has up his sleeves. Will Spencer and Sonny share screens? We hope so. will keep you updated with all the news about General Hospital as it surfaces. Stay tuned.