General Hospital spoilers for the month of March reveal that Chad Brannon is coming back to Port Charles, and there are a number of possibilities that open up with this comeback. Chad plays the character of Zander Smith, who was shot dead back in 2004. How would he come back in the flesh or as a ghost? It is yet to be seen. Then Franco’s tumor is back, and that would cause some more troubles on the soap opera. Would he become his dangerous self in the month of March? Maybe.
Then, the double wedding is coming up. Will that really happen? Spoilers suggest that Peter’s truth will be out. Will that be before the wedding happens or after that? How will all that affect Maxie? She will be heartbroken. Not just that, she will have some more difficult things to handle in the upcoming days. What’s more? Keep reading to find out-
Chad Brannon Is Coming Back
General Hospital recently announced that Chad Brannon is coming back to Port Charles. His stint will start in March. From 2000-2004, he played the character of Zander Smith. However, his character then passed away when he got shot. Would Smith come back in the flesh? Zander is also Cameron Webber’s biological dad. So, if Zander hasn’t passed away, could some interesting storyline be on the horizon? Maybe. From what we know is Chad Brannon is coming back either in full flesh or in ghostly form.

General Hospital: Franco Will Get Kidnapped?
General Hospital spoilers also reveal that Franco will soon go missing. Would Franco leave the town himself, or someone will kidnap him? Viewers are aware that Franco’s tumor is back. So, he can become dangerous anytime. So, would Zander come in and take away Baldwin in order to keep Cameron safe? It is possible that Smith might be hiding all along, and when he comes to know about Franco’s tumor coming back, he might come back and kidnap Franco before he harms someone.

A New Character Coming In?
It is also possible that Brannon would come back, but he would come back in an entirely different character. This isn’t the first time that General Hospital writers have done so. It is possible that one actor can play more than one character. In fact, Michael Easton, who played Finn Hamilton on the soap opera, took on to the role of John McBain, Caleb Morley, and Dr. Silas Clay. So, it is very much possible that Zander could have an unknown twin too.

General Hospital: Double-Wedding Chaos Coming Up
Things are about to get really interesting. It is almost the time when Finn/Anna/Peter,/Maxie are gearing up for the double wedding that will take place early on in March. Spoilers suggest that the truth about Peter will come out. However, what we do not know is how that will come out and who will reveal that. Anna knows the whole truth. It is possible that she and Valentin will make a plan. Could they frame August into confessing everything before the wedding happens? Could he get hauled by WSIB, leaving Maxie waiting?

What Will Happen To Anna and Finn?
General Hospital spoilers hint that Maxie will be all ready for her wedding with Peter. However, that will be delayed. Could Anna’s wedding get delayed too? Once the truth is out. Finn will be really disappointed and hurt that Anna turned to Valentin for help and not him. He might even be upset that she kept the truth about Peter from him. It seems like this couple might not last very long after all.

General Hospital: Anna And Valentin To Get Together?
All the eagle-eyed viewers would have noticed that Anna and Valentin are growing really close. On the other hand, Finn and Alexis are also growing really close. It is possible that after Finn and Anna break up, Valentin might go close to Devane while Finn will help Alexis sober up. The chemistry between Devane and Cassadine hasn’t yet been explored. So, this could prove to be a really interesting storyline coming up on the soap opera.

What Will Happen To Peter?
Talking about Peter, Anna and Valentin could set him up. It is possible that he will get trapped and tries to escape. While he tries all of that, he will get shot. There is a chance that he fesses up and then gets hauled away. General Hospital spoilers hint that Anna will become really apologetic in the upcoming week. However, we are still not clear who this apologetic behavior might be for, Peter or Finn? In the meantime, Valentin will go to Peter and tell him that he cares for him. Cassadine could become really expressive if Peter lands in the hospital.

General Hospital: Maxie To Lose Her Child?
If Peter will land in the hospital, what will happen to Maxie? Spoilers suggest that things wouldn’t be easy for Maxie either. Would Maxie lose her baby? What if something happens at the wedding and leads to the miscarriage? If the ceremony gets stopped by someone with good intentions, it is one thing. However, what if the ceremony gets stopped because of a crossfire and Maxie gets caught in it? It would devastate the woman. She wouldn’t just be losing the man she loves, but she would ever lose her baby.

Nina and Carly’s Rivalry
Things will continue to be hot between Carly and Nina in the upcoming days. These two ladies have become series of enemies. With that said, we would also say that Nina’s behavior seems quite justified. After all, she just found out that Nelle was her daughter, and there are still chances that Carly and Jax could have saved her if they wanted to. On the other hand, Carly can be a bit self-centered. So, Carly lashing back at Nina and not being sympathetic will only add fuel to the fire. This rivalry will continue to rise in the upcoming days of the month.

Nina To Find Sonny
Viewers must know that Nina’s nurse found Sonny. So, it wouldn’t be really hard for Nina to soon figure out that Mike is none other than Sonny. As an act of revenge, it is possible that she will keep Corinthos hidden from the whole family. Nina will run into Sonny when she visits Phyllis. Nina might even start visiting Sonny on and off. He might start gravitating towards Nina because of her resemblance to the woman Sonny saw in the dream. All this will be happening, but Carly will not know anything about this.

Will Nina and Sonny Come Together?
It is also possible that Nina might even try to forge a relationship with “Mike.” Nina is full of spite right now. So she might pretend that Sonny and Nina are friends and try to take Sonny away from Carly. Would things turn romantic between Sonny and Nina? Maybe. It might start as an innocent act of revenge, but then it could lead to serious feelings.

Ava Has A Secret Admirer
Ava recently got a quite odd gift this Valentine’s Day recently. While all hints point towards Ryan Chamberlain, what if it is someone else? What if the person behind all of this was Franco? That is, evil Franco surfaces without the nice and normal Franco realizing it? There was a time when Ava and Franco were involved too. The note did imply that there is a secret admirer. What if this secret admirer is someone who was involved with Ava before?

Britt and Jason Are Growing Closer!
All viewers who have been keeping up with the soap opera are aware that Britt and Jason are indeed growing closer. There Valentine’s deliveries at the hospital lead to some extremely cute and fun scenes together. Would something ruin their romance in the upcoming days? It is clear that something is happening with Britt in terms of her health. She might have inherited Huntington’s disease from Faison.

The truth about this will indeed come out in March. Britt and Jason have just taken a step in their relationship. It looks like some serious action will take place in General Hospital in the month of March. So, don’t forget to tune in and enjoy all of it. We will keep you updated with all the news about the soap opera as soon as it surfaces. So, you stay tuned.
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