It looks like shocking twists are coming up on General Hospital. The latest spoilers and rumors reveal that there is a mystery woman who will grab everyone’s attention soon. This woman is in Pentonville, and she is most probably the person helping Ryan Chamberlain deliver letters and packages in Port Charles. Spoilers also suggest that Alexis Davis will make this discovery, and she will be shocked. What could all that be about? Keep reading to know-
General Hospital: A ‘Casting Side’ Script Is Leaked
Before we move any further, we would like to tell our readers that sometimes soap operas film some scenes or plan to, but later on they are cut them for several reasons. Sometimes actors aren’t available. Sometimes writers decide to go through with some other storyline. This is what is called the ‘Casting side.’ Usually, in such scripts, the character’s name is changed or referred to as a similar one. A General Hospital Casting side is out, and it reveals some major shocking storylines.

General Hospital viewers would recall that Nikolas Cassadine had bought Pentonville to ensure that his aunt Alexis is safe from Cyrus Renault. While Renault is out of the canvas, it doesn’t mean that there aren’t any other people behind the bars who are dangerous. Even before Cyrus came to Port Charles, viewers would remember that Nelle Benson and Ryan Chamberlain were friends inside the prison walls.

Now, the leaked script suggests that minimum security orderly will approach Alexis and take her to the alcoholics’ anonymous meeting. The meeting will take place in a different part of the prison. This part could be a new wing set for prisoners with mental health issues. They used to be at Ferncliff, but after Ryan switched places with Kevin Collins, held him in captivity, went on a killing spree, and had an obsessive relationship with Ava Cassadine, that plan is most probably off the table.

The script says that Alexis will spot “Helena” with Ryan Chamberlin, and the two of them will be very friendly. While the name Helena does not mean that this person is Helena Cassadine, it could be a female character with a name starting with H. So, when Alexis sees this, she will be in shock and will want to know what the woman with a name starting with “H” is doing with Ryan. Then, the orderly will tell Alexis that she is the person who delivers letters from him. So, she is a visitor.
Who Is This Woman?
Given that Alexis recognizes this person, this woman can be someone from Port Charles. It could be Helena Cassadine who might have connections with Ryan Chamberlain. She might be the one who is helping Chamberlain. Viewers would remember that Ryan once worked with DVX for some time. Helena also had connections there. So, the two of them might have a link from there. While Helena is presumed dead, this is General Hospital, and nobody is really dead here. So, she might come back.

On second thoughts, it is also possible that Ryan might be working for Helena. She will undoubtedly have concerns about her family. And she doesn’t like Nikolas getting married to Ava. She wouldn’t like Ava becoming step-mom to Spencer Cassadine either. So, it is possible that Helena might be using Ryan to scare Ava away.

As for who else this woman could be, there are plenty of names that come to us. Heather Webber’s name starts from H. Hayden Barnes’s name starts from H too. So, it is possible that this person could be either of them. There are speculations that Hayden Barnes might come back to Port Charles soon. So, this could be her comeback storyline. She might have come back to make sure that Nikolas and Ava are separated.
On second thoughts, it is also possible that this might be a new character. We will have to wait to see what General Hospital brings there. What we do know is, this will be an exciting storyline. will keep you updated with all the news about the show as it surfaces. So, stay tuned.