Corrections Policy | TV Season & Spoilers

Adding Corrections

As mentioned in our fact-checking policy, we aim for accuracy of info at all times – as well as transparency in corrections. If we update a post because there’s an error in it (we included the wrong producer or actor in a cast list, or had the wrong date, etc.), we add a bolded correction line in the article.
This makes certain we remain accountable for our content – and abiding to trusted journalism standard. We believe that with great power comes great responsibility. We aim to be accountable, accurate, and an authority.

Updating Story Threads

In addition to corrections, we believe it is important to update content (both related and evergreen) where possible – when new info is available. When we post news or a feature, all previous stories/features on that subject are updated with links to the new post so that readers always have the full picture no matter which of our articles on the subject they land on.

For corrections or update requests, please contact