Gate Anime Season 3: Release Date 2020 Updates, Plot Details

“Gate: Jieitai Kanochi nite, Kaku Tatakaeri” is the television anime adaptation of the light novel of the same name, written by Takumi Yanai. The anime television series was aired in two halves, the first half containing 13 episodes was aired from July to September and the second half which also had 13 episodes was aired from January to March 2016. The series earned initial success with attracting a large number of audience, and Gate Season 3 is one of the most anticipated anime series right now. So, when we will get a new season?

Gate season 3

Series’s gripping thriller brings out the fantasy of the viewers as for it is a fight between good and evil. It is almost one year since the last episode of Gate was aired, and still, there is no official announcement from A-1 Pictures. However, we know there will be a new season for sure as the second season ended with a cliffhanger and Gate Season 3 has to answer so many questions. The series has been rapidly accepted by the world and it’s a high demand among viewers.

Updated on 14/02/2020: The light novel series has officially concluded. However, the manga is still running. The 16th volume was released in December 2019. A-1 studio has still not confirmed the sequel.

Updated on 03/04/2018: There are no new chapters in the light novel series for the anime adaptation. So, the creators decided to come up with an original script for the anime. However, it has been three years, and the production studio is currently working on the Sword Art Online Season 3 Part 2. No new update about the Gate Anime.

Updated on 14/04/2018: As per the latest updates, the production house Sentai Filmworks was very happy with the overwhelming response the series got. The Studio Announced in 2017 that they are working on the script of Gate Anime Season 3, since then there has been no official announcement from the produces.

Also Read: Will There be Nisekoi Season 3 in 2020?

What we have seen so far in Gate: Jieitai Kanochi nite, Kaku Tatakaeri?

The main story of the anime revolves around Lieutenant Yoji Itami, of Japan Self-Defense Forces (JSDF). A mysterious gate appears in Ginza, Tokyo and though which mythological characters come in our world and try to kill our people. The JSDF successfully repels the enemies and establishes a forward base of operations to protect our world and establish a peace negotiation. In order to make this negotiation between Japan and the Empire, Itami seeks help from his old friends as well as princess Pina.

JSDF sends Itami to investigate the mythological world where magic, dragons, and elves are real, using his knowledge of fantasy stories to making his way in the new world. This series takes fans’ fantasy to an extreme level as it is something new and exciting to see how our modern army fights there creatures.

In the last episode of Gate, we saw Itami and the others reach the Imperial Capital and they receive help from the 3rd Recon tp rescue Pina. The Emporer realizes that Zorzal will never listen to him and declares Pina as his heir and later Pina is crowned as the princess of the Empire. And Zorzal and his supporters are forced to leave the Imperial Capital and they want revenge from the Japanese.

In Gate season 3 we may see a big battle between Zorzal and the Japanese army, and fans can expect a lot of action in the upcoming season of Gate: Jieitai Kano Chi nite, Kaku Tatakaeri

Gate Season 3 Release Date

For now, A-1 Pictures has not made any comment about the release of Gate Season 3. However, we know that the VFX team that worked on the first two seasons was hired for the third season too. This means Gate season 3 is under production and it is just a matter of time before the officials declare a release date. Though we expect that Gate Season 3 may be premiered in 2020. Viewers want more of Itami and friends and as the news breaks, we will notify you exclusively about the release date so stay tuned.

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