The second installment’s mid-season finale of 911 has premiered a few months back, and everyone is eager to know the fate of the series. The show has delivered two seasons in a year, and everyone already awaits 911 Season 3 (or Part 2 of 911 Season 2).
The show follows a group of paramedics, firefighters, and policemen. Their job is to save people’s lives. They put themselves in risky situations while doing so. The show also features their personal problems as well. Critics highly acclaim the show, and the show will make a comeback soon.
How The Second Season Of 911 Performed
Well! The show’s performance always stands the basis for the renewal of any series. It is confirmed that 911 is coming soon with more episodes, and the show’s consistent performance is a reason behind that. The second installment of 911 premiered on 23rd September 2018.
The mid-season finale of Season 2 ‘Merry Ex-Mas’ aired on 26 November 2018. In comparison to the first season, the second season saw a slight drop in the numbers.
911 Season 2 on FOX is averaging 6.25 million viewers and a 1.50 rating in the 18-49 demographic. However, that is 9% below in comparison to its previous season. Also, the show underwent a 1% drop in the viewership. Well! The numbers are not massive, though slightly significant.
911 Season 3: Connie Britton’s Exit and Her Replacement
Connie Britton left the show after the first season. Ryan Murphy the creator of the show, however, was very eager to bring her back for another installment of the show. Murphy said that Connie had just come off Nashville. She doesn’t want to do another show straight away. Murphy added that they are talking about her (Connie) returning in some place to season two if we can make her deal work.
However, they couldn’t work out a deal as Connie exited the show as a regular. However, nothing is sure about her doing a cameo. Well! You never know what can happen next.
According to Hollywood Reporter, Jennifer Love Hewitt will replace Connie Britton. Hewitt is known for her role in Party of Five and The Ghost Whisperer.
A New Relationship In The Scenario
TV Line has reported that a new relationship scenario will be visible in the upcoming 911 Season 3. According to the report, Buck and Eddie will feature next in a romantic relationship. Well! Some might see that coming. We also saw in the mid-season finale that one of Santa’s elves mistook Buck and Eddie for a couple.
Tim Minear, the showrunner of 911 also told TV Line that they love making relationships with actors and crew members and artists. Well! It will be an interesting scenario to watch in the 911 Season 3.
Premiere Date Of 911 Season 3
The show has finally got a renewal date for its comeback. 911 Season 3 will be returning on March 18, 2019, on your screens.