On the May 18th episode of 90 Day Fiance: Self-Quarantined, Avery revealed that her dad has been in and out of the prison for the past 17 years. Avery introduced Omar to her father on call. Since Omar lost his father at an early age, he was excited to meet Avery’s dad. Let’s take a detailed look at it.
90 Day Fiance: Avery Worried About Her Dad’s Health
Considering that even inmates haven’t remained unaffected by the pandemic, Avery is worried about her dad’s safety. Even though we don’t know for sure why he is locked up, but one thing is clear. Avery is definitely checking up on her dad’s well-being.
Avery told the cameras that she is not very close with her dad. But now, they are working on their relationship. She also revealed that her stepdad has always been the father figure to her. In the recent episode of Self-Quarantined, we can see Avery chatting with her dad Dusty. He is telling her how he is staying safe and healthy in jail amid the pandemic.

90 Day Fiance: Omar Encouraged Avery To Reach Out To Her Dad
Omar lost his dad when he was six months old. This is the main reason why he encouraged Avery to reach out to her dad because she can. He always wanted a relationship with his dad but he couldn’t. So, he told Avery to take advantage of the fact that her dad was still here and strengthen her connection with him.
Avery’s dad told her that the coronavirus has spread in his prison facility. Moreover, they are not allowed to engage with inmates in other dorms and they’re wearing masks and washing their hands frequently. When Omar got on the call, Dusty thanked him for being an amazing husband to his daughter.
90 Day Fiance: Avery Thinks Omar and Her Dad Will Connect Again
Avery felt that Omar and her dad are going to connect again. Omar told him that they are excited about his release. When Avery asked whether he is going to be good after his release, he assured them that he is going to take the right path.
It’s good to see Avery and Omar living happily together and that he is bonding with her dad. Omar also told her dad that he could read more about Islam and staying on the right path. Do you think they’re going to hit it off when he comes out of prison? Will Avery continue to bond with her dad? Let us know in the comments below.