Much like MTV’s Teen Mom, TLC’s Unexpected follows the lives of young mothers and their journey to early motherhood and relationship dramas. One of the show’s notable stars was Chloe Mendoza, who appeared in Season 2. At the time, Chloe was only 16 and pregnant with her daughter, Ava, with then-boyfriend Max Schenzel. The couple also featured in season 3, but they eventually split up.
After her last television appearance, not much was known about Chloe. However, it’s known that she faced many hardships, including being a victim of physical abuse. Despite these challenges, the reality TV star has been working to turn her life around. So, what happened to Chloe after the show? Where is she now? Let’s find out.
TLC Unexpected: Chloe Mendoza Has A Restraining Order Against Max Schenzel!
TLC Unexpected star Chloe Mendoza appeared in Season 2 and 3 of the show. However, she has since led a low-key life, focusing on herself and her daughter, Ava. Chloe was only 16 when she gave birth on the show with her then-boyfriend, Max Schenzel. The reality TV star has faced many challenges from a very young age.
Despite Chloe’s efforts to stay with Max after the show, her parents strongly disapproved of him due to his substance abuse issues. Chloe was determined to build a family with Ava and Max. However, her dreams of having a happy family were shattered when Max did the unexpected. In a YouTube video, Chloe revealed she experienced physical abuse from Max, leading to their eventual breakup.
She also mentioned obtaining a restraining order after incidents where Max slapped, punched, kicked, and threw a phone at her. Chloe also reached out to fellow Unexpected star Rilah Ferrer, who has also been a victim of physical abuse and received support from her.
Since then, the TLC Unexpected star has focused on her education, attending Arizona State University and raising her daughter in a safe environment. Despite the difficulties, Chloe’s resilience has been evident as she continues to pursue a degree and provide for her daughter.
TLC Unexpected: Where Is Chloe Mendoza?
After her last appearance on TLC Unexpected, Chloe has been living a life unlike most reality TV stars. Despite having over 221K followers on Instagram, Chloe doesn’t leverage her reality TV fame for brand collaborations. Although she actively posts about her daily life and achievements, her Instagram bio highlights her age and her status as an ASU alum. She also frequently posts about her now 5-year-old daughter, Ava.
Chloe’s Instagram suggests she enjoys a vibrant social life full of events and friends. However, she rarely posts with her family. She recently also posted about being a graduate with her friends, marking a personal milestone. Details about her love life and work profile remain private.
However, it’s clear that Chloe is prioritizing her role as a mother, steering clear of the spotlight and moving past the drama of her past. It appears She seems to be thriving after her time on Unexpected. Keep checking TV Season & Spoilers for more updates on TLC Unexpected.