On The Young and the Restless, the Abbott family is once again seizing the spotlight. Amidst the unfolding drama, it appears that the power dynamics within Jabot Cosmetics may be in for a major change. The latest buzz suggests that Billy, currently holding the CEO position at Jabot, might be on the brink of a career-changing decision. But what could this mean for the future of the iconic cosmetics company and the Abbott legacy? Let’s delve in and find out!
Jabot’s Future Hangs In The Balance
For a long time on The Young and the Restless, Kyle and Diane have been very clear about what they think. They strongly believe that Kyle should be Jack’s co-CEO, even though Billy currently has the job. While the mother-son duo has been patiently planning to deal with the Abbott family’s Tucker problem, a recent episode on December 15 suggests that Diane is thinking about changing her approach. In a surprising twist, she pretends to be upset with Billy, saying he ignored Jabot’s matters and wasn’t there when Tucker agreed to buy Ashley’s stake in Glacade, an action the Abbotts hope will bring about Tucker’s downfall.
This sudden outburst surprises Ashley, and she leaves the room while Jack looks visibly worried. Jack firmly says that Billy and Kyle are in the right positions. He rejected any idea of giving in to Diane’s desire for change. However, in a surprising turn of events, Diane might get what she wants without ruining Billy’s reputation or plotting any questionable schemes. Not too long ago, Billy had a conversation with Jill on The Young and the Restless, and she practically pleaded with him to leave Jabot and join her at Chancellor-Winters instead.
The Young And The Restless: Will Billy Join CW, Who Will Take Over His CEO Spot?
With Mamie now part of the latter company and Nate back on board, Jill senses a certain loneliness and vulnerability at the corporation she helped co-found. Once again, in the episode airing on December 15, Billy discussed his career path with Chelsea. Even though he gets along better with his siblings at work, he feels like Jack expects him to fail. On the other hand, Billy knows that Jill believes in him more than his brother does, and he thinks she would value his skills more. Even though Billy doesn’t directly say he’s taking Jill’s offer by the end of the episode, it seems like he’s thinking about doing it. So, if he leaves Jabot, does that mean Kyle will get what he wants and become the new co-CEO? Well, maybe not.
Though Jack is happy to have Kyle back at Jabot, before bringing him back as COO, Jack thought Kyle was too entitled and spoiled and hadn’t worked his way up the corporate ladder. So, will Jack simply give him the co-CEO position a few weeks later? To make things more complicated, Kyle has a secret—he once planned with Tucker to attack Jabot. Even though he’s now pretending to work with Tucker as a spy to bring him down, if Jack learns about Kyle’s original plan, there could be some serious problems. This leads to the question: If Kyle isn’t made co-CEO, then who do you think will be? Share your thoughts in the comment section below, and let us know what you feel. Also, keep your dial locked on TV Season & Spoilers for all the latest scoops on The Young and the Restless!