Big Little Lies Season 3: HBO’s Big Little Lies is a drama series loosely adapted from a novel of the same name. The show follows Celeste, Jane, and Madeline, who are a young wealthy trio in Monterey, California. Everything starts to fall apart when a murder takes place in that town bringing in light various worms hiding underneath. The show is created by David E. Kelle and directed by Jean-Marc Vallee.
Big Little Lies season 2 premiered on 9th June 2019. Season 2, however, did not do as well as season 1 did. Season 1 bagged sixteen Emmy nominations. Even after not bagging great reviews, season 2 managed to get a good viewership. So, now loyal fans of the show have been demanding Big Little Lies season 3. The possibility of the show is low, but it isn’t anything like they don’t exist at all. So, here are all the details on the possibility of the third installment.
Will ‘Big Little Lies’ Get A Renewal For Season 3?
No! There is no official announcement about the show’s renewal. However, this doesn’t mean we have to stop being hopeful. We have to keep in mind that when ‘Big Little Lies’ first came, it was just a self-contained, seven episodes mini-series. All viewers and critics were surprised when season 2 was announced. But the way season 1 built up, the scope for season 2 also extended. Big Little Lies season 1 explained Perry Wright’s death, and season 2 explored the aftermath of it. The way season 2 ended, with a significant cliffhanger, Big Little Lies season 3 looks possible. Season 2 concluded with Monterey Five walking into a police station. Will they confess?
Everyone Who Could Be Coming Back!
The creators of the show have repeatedly made it clear that they only want to do the show if they can get all the same people on the show. If they manage to do so, we will get to see Kidman along with Reese Witherspoon, Shailene Woodley, Zoe Kravitz, Laura Dern, Adam Scotty, James Tupper, Jeffrey Nordling, Kathryn Newton, Iain Armitage, Darby Camp, Cameron Crovetti, Nicholas Crovetti, Chloe Coleman and Ivy George.
HBO On Big Little Lies Season 3
Casey Bloys, the president at HBO, expressed her desire for The Big Little Lies season 3. In a recent interview, she told everyone how much she loves the group of people at the show. She expressed that she’d be delighted to have it(the show) back, but the problem is scheduling. The show consists of top-tier actors, and it will be a miracle if all of them could align together yet again.
These actors are some of the busiest actresses in the business, and if they all aligned and said that they had worked all their schedules, then we would love to have them back. However, this will be quite unrealistic if that happened, she added. Nicole Kidman is exploring the possibility of a third season with Reese Witherspoon, so let’s wait and see what happens to Big Little Lies season 3.
Since the show is still awaiting renewal, there is almost no detail on the plot or release date. There are possibilities for Big Little Things season 3, but those are really few. So, we suggest all the fans be a bit patient before they boost their excitement. We will keep updating this space with all the latest updates and news as they come. Fingers crossed for some good news. In the meantime, stay tuned with us.