Sharon felt like she had found her happily ever after on The Young and The Restless, with Rey Rosales. She had gone through so many ups and downs in her previous relationships, but Rey felt like her calm after the storm. Unfortunately, her dream life was cut short when the GCPD cop suffered a heart attack while driving. That lead to a car crash and his subsequent demise in April 2022. Sharon was really hit very hard by her husband’s passing. But she held on. She used every bit of her will and grit to come out of the wallowing and return to normalcy.
Even though she is still coping with her personal loss on The Young and The Restless, Sharon is doing much better than before. She has come to terms with Rey’s passing and has found the strength to move forward in life. Interestingly, it wasn’t just Sharon Rosales who was hit hard by Rey’s passing. Actress Sharon Case too, struggled with actor Jordi Vilasuso’s stint coming to and end on The Young and The Restless. She thoroughly loved working with him, and admitted in a recent chat with SOD, that she missed him very much.

The Young And The Restless: Will Rey Make A Shocking Comeback In Sharon’s Life?
Sharon recalled how “sweet and beautiful” her final scenes with Rey were on The Young and The Restless. Just like Sharon, many Y&R fans also miss Rey and his portrayer, Jordi Vilasuso, on the soap. They often wonder if there is any chance of him returning. Sharon has finally started to move on in life and circling the idea of starting a new romance with Chance Chancellor. If there was a perfect time for him to return, this would be it! Just imagine the twist! REy returns to find his wife in the arms of his former partner!

Of course, there are many other ways of bringing Rey back for a stint on The Young and The Restless. If the makers intend on keeping him dead on the soap, He can always return in Sharon’s visions! Or even Chance’s, for that matter! Dead lovers returning in visions to push their bereaved lovers to move ahead in life is not unheard of! We see it happen all the time! So it won’t be surprising at all if Rey just showed up in Sharon’s dream to give her the green light for Chance! Would you like to see Rey and Sharon together one last time on the soap? Tell us in the comments. Meanwhile, stay tuned to The Young and The Restless to continue watching Sharon’s journey.