The reality TV 1000 Lb Best Friends makes headlines for its great and hard-working cast members. Inspired by 1000 Lb Sisters Tammy and Amy Slaton, this reality show follows the lives of four childhood friends. Vanessa Cross and Meghan Crumpler have decided to lose weight come what may. Though the show has just started, fans are already looking forward to the goals unfolding. So, tune in to see how Vanessa unleashes her dream.
1000 Lb Best Friends: Vanessa Wants To Show Off Her Bikini String
Out of the four women on the show, Vanessa has the most struggles with obesity. Apart from this, the 1000 Lb Best Friends star is eager to reach her goal to set an example for her kids. Hence, stepping into her endeavors, Vanessa tries something she has always wanted to do. TLC shared a sneak peek of the show where Vanessa came out of the dressing room.
Vanessa Cross shares that she has always wanted to try a string bikini. Hence, she strolls out of the dressing room in a black and white striped bikini. Vanessa struggles to manage the clothing. However, her confidence doesn’t fall out. While Vanessa still has to reach her goal, she tries on the clothing that motivates her to kickstart her journey. Meghan, her best friend, says, “Oh my God, are you gonna wear this?”

Vanessa replies that she would love to, and she wants to show it off. Meghan says that she has never seen something so big. However, she did not mean it in a bad way. In TLC’s comment section, fans were cheering for Vanessa’s confidence. Some said that she inspires them. At the same time, some praised her and told her to get comfortable in her skin. Vanessa has recently shared that one of her goals is to shop easily.
1000 Lb Best Friends: Vanessa’s Sister Jackie Makes Her Eat Junk!
Vanessa’s confidence is incredible and is palpable enough. However, the 1000 Lb Best Friends star hasn’t always had the same confidence. The mother of two shared her story in the show. She told the TLC viewers that she has struggled with weight almost all her life. In addition, she admitted confining herself to food to hideaway problems. More so, she turns toward food as an escape and comfort.
The reality show star shared that she had grown up poor and lived in a car. Therefore to keep her calm and distract her from situations, her mother fed her snacks and junk. As a result, Vanessa’s food addiction started. Meanwhile, the 1000 Lb Best Friend focuses on her goal. However, her sister Jackie stands like a wall between her and the goal. Vanessa says that Jackie does not support her weight loss journey at all.

In addition, Jackie also brings in unhealthy food at home. However, Jackie was confronted with her behavior. But she said, “Vannessa will be angry if she doesn’t eat the junk food because she will be hungry.” Jackie also says that Vanessa cannot live on salads. Hence, Vanessa is begging her sister to support her on a diet. Do you think Jackie can be a hurdle in Vanessa’s journey? Tell us in the comments below. And stay tuned to TV Seasons & Spoilers for more.